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Soren T. Christensen is the Founder & Chief Planning Officer of Advanced Wealth Advisors, LLC in Naples and Fort Myers, FL. He serves his clients as a comprehensive financial advisor, specializing in financial planning and wealth management. Read below to learn more about his experience in the industry and the financial planning and wealth management strategies he finds important.

Would you describe your experience in the financial services industry?

I have decades of experience in the financial services industry. Clients have primarily asked me for...


As financial advisors who specialize in wealth management, we get a lot of questions about estate planning. Wealth management is about five common planning areas – investment, retirement, insurance, tax, and estate planning. Here are some of the most common questions we get regarding estate planning:

How are my assets transferred after my death?

Your assets are transferred at death through several mechanisms:

Operation of law: Assets are transferred according to the laws of the land. An example here would be a joint account. If one of the joint owners...


Reviews are an important part of your asset management process. Your financial advisor should discuss how your investment management plan has performed, if it is still in line with your goals, if it is addressing any concerns you have, and make sure that you understand and feel confident about your plan.

Because your investment management review is so important, knowing what to ask is a must. In the following two blogs, we will outline the three big questions you should ask in order to get a full picture of your finances, whether you’re working with us, or with someone...


No one hires a financial advisor for wealth management help just for the fun of it. You hire a financial advisor to get results.. In our previous blogs, we have talked about questions to ask a potential financial advisor, and once you’ve found the right one for you, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your wealth management relationship:

  • Make your goals and objectives clear – We all have different wealth management goals and objectives, and your financial advisor can’t help you reach those goals if they don’t know what they are. Make it...

Many people can benefit from hiring a qualified financial planner. They can help you create a plan for today, and tomorrow. Whether you’re in the wealth accumulation, distribution, or preservation phase of your life, speaking with a financial planner will likely help you determine a plan that’s right for you.

It’s Never Too Early to Start Investing

The earlier one starts financial planning, the better. Albert Einstein once said, “the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest.” By starting early, and allowing your investments to grow over a long...


Many Americans can benefit from working with a financial advisor; however, some are concerned about the price. We all make investments in ourselves and our families. Hiring a financial advisor can be an investment in your financial future. Financial planning can be a complicated process, and it’s often advantageous to have a partner with financial expertise.

Only in a perfect world would everyone have a financial advisor.

Unfortunately, many people attempt to do investment and retirement planning on their own with poor results. This is usually the result of...


A professional financial advisor can assist you with many issues surrounding your investment, retirement, and estate plan. Just a few meetings with a financial advisor may help you rest easier about your financial plan. It’s important to update your financial plan on a continuing basis and working with a financial planner who monitors things for you can make this job a lot easier.

It’s not always easy to find a financial advisor that you feel you can trust. To make sure that you are choosing a quality financial firm and financial advisor, you should ask these...


Estate planning is not something that most people (if any) look forward to, but it is an essential part of wealth management. After all, no one wants to think about their own mortality. Unfortunately, if you don’t take the time now to plan what will happen with your estate when you’re gone, you could end up making one of these common mistakes. Estate planning isn’t simply putting money in certain accounts; it is a more complex process than that. Fortunately, if you have the correct information, estate planning doesn’t have to be difficult. You should work with a qualified wealth manager,...


When it comes to retirement planning, women face different planning issues as compared to men. Statistically speaking, women tend to live longer, which means that not only do their retirement savings need to last longer, they are also more subject to inflation and possible tax changes which can eat away at their savings. In addition, women are statistically more likely to become caregivers to their children or elderly parents, which interrupts their income. In addition, statistics show that women participate less in retirement plans, draw less from Social Security, and face higher...


The majority of Americans do not have a retirement plan. A recent study by the National Institute on Retirement Security reported that 45 percent of U.S. households have no retirement assets. This means that many people will not be able to retire at all. On the other side of this, however, are working-age people who are not only ready to retire, they are prepared to do so before age 65. While this can feel like a pipe dream for some, if early retirement is your goal, it is possible with proper retirement planning. If you are looking to retire early, contact Advanced Wealth Advisors in...


Asset management is a crucial part of ensuring your financial future. However, many investors make mistakes that cause them to miss out on the opportunity for investment success. This is why having an asset manager to guide you through investment planning is wise. An asset manager with the right expertise can help ensure that you make the most out of your investment plan. In this blog, we will outline some of the most common mistakes made by investors so you can try to avoid them.

Not Implementing a Plan

Investing without a plan is like going on a road trip...


If you have financial planning goals, such as paying off your debt or saving for retirement, it may feel daunting to think about how you will achieve those goals. Fortunately, you don’t have to start working 80 hours a week to have more money to allocate where you want it. However, you will have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. When most people think about living more frugally, they assume that they can’t do anything and their lives will be boring, but this doesn’t have to be the case. You can use your money to save, grow your investments, or pay off your debts instead of...


Deciding whether or not you need a financial advisor is a big decision; however, deciding to go with a skilled advisor from Advanced Wealth Advisors is beneficial in many ways. If you’re looking to hire a skilled financial advisor, here are some traits you should look for.

Skilled Listener

Not every financial advisor will be able to listen to you and truly understand what you’re saying. If the financial advisor is doing all of the talking, there’s no way they are truly getting to know you. Some financial advisors try to fill all the silence during a discussion,...


Are you headed toward retirement? If so, this is a significant lifestyle change, and there are many things to consider. At Advanced Wealth Advisors, we want you to be able to head into retirement with confidence, knowing you have all of your ducks in a row. That is why we offer retirement planning services. In the next few blogs, we are going to explore several helpful questions to ask yourself about your future outside of the workforce.

What does an ideal day in retirement look like?

Finances are part of a retirement plan, but they are not everything. Even if...


If you have sought out even the most basic wealth management advice, you have heard this phrase before: spend less, save more. This is sound financial advice for a couple of reasons. First, many things you will want or need to spend money on will cost more than you make in one month. For example, if you are buying a house, you will need to come up with a down payment, which is typically 20% of the purchase price. If you spend and never save, there is no way for you to come up with that cash on the spot. In addition, presumably, you may one day no longer be able to work, or will not longer...


Whether you are new to the financial planning world or you’ve worked with an advisor before, it is always good to make sure you understand how financial advisors are paid. At Advanced Wealth Advisors, we believe in absolute transparency – it’s the only way financial planning works for all parties involved. In the next few blogs, we are going to share the ways that advisors are compensated for their financial advice.


If you are willing to take advice and make it happen by yourself, hourly is a great way to work with a financial advisor. You can pay for an...


Many people seek guidance from a financial advisor to help them build an investment portfolio that will help them throughout their retirement. However, many people feel intimidated by the financial planning process and by the financial advisor. Soren T. Christensen, founder of Advanced Wealth Advisors, seeks to reduce the stress people face when it comes to their financial planning.

Soren founded Advanced Wealth Advisors with the primary goal of guiding clients through their entire financial life cycle in the most straightforward manner possible. Working with your financial advisor...
